About JIR Network
An initiative from the Fondation Rhumatismes Enfants Suisse
The JIR Network is an initiative by the Fondation Rhumatismes Enfants Suisse, established in 2014 by Professor Michael Hofer to support the development of pediatric rheumatology in the French-speaking region of Switzerland. The foundation collaborates closely with physicians from the Unité Romande de Rhumatologie et Immunologie Pédiatrique (URIRP), based at CHUV and HUG, as well as with the Geneva League Against Rheumatism.
Our Mission:
Support the training of medical personnel
Support clinical research
Foster communication between patients and the medical team
Through these efforts, the JIR Network aims to enhance pediatric rheumatology care and research, ensuring better outcomes for young patients.
Org chart

How We Are Funded
The JIRcohort is a project of the Fondation Rhumatismes-Enfants-Suisse, which is a Swiss private foundation. Its goals are to support research, training and clinical activities in pediatric rheumatology.
The JIRcohort is an ongoing project with no fixed duration. Therefore, every year, new funding must be found by the JIR steering committee to pay for fixed and development costs.
Funding is collected from multiple sources:
Public research Grants
Private donations
Public institutions donations
Pharmaceutical compagnies unrestricted grants
Pharmaceutical compagnies service agreements
Event benefits
Online training course